Insight Design Studio embarked on the exciting task of constructing the Hands of Time website, harnessing an extensive array of historical data about the evolution of time-keeping.

The Hands of Time website, maintained by Graham and Sallie Mulligan, offers a comprehensive account of these Tasmanian watch and clock makers. It is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in horology’s mechanical aspects and the compelling narratives of those craftsmen who pioneered the intricate mechanisms.

Advanced Taxonomies

Leveraging advanced taxonomies to process a wealth of historical data about the progression of time-keeping devices.

Responsive Design

All the websites we build are mobile responsive.


Our websites use WordPress, the best-known Content Management System available.
Chung Wah Society

Chung Wah Society

Chagga Mzungu

Chagga Mzungu

Hands of Time

Hands of Time